lausanne jardins 2019



Parc de Valency

©LJ19/Stéphanie Gygax©LJ19/Stéphanie Gygax©LJ19/Stéphanie Gygax©Marc Domage©Marc Domage

Giant swings appear in strategic points at the top of Parc Valency. Sit down and marvel at one of Lausanne’s most stunning panoramas. Don’t leave your head in the clouds though! 

In an abstract and conceptualised way, Bal-ysage echoes the mountains opposite by simplifying the landscape to a ragged network of hanging lines and volumes. This new relief, made playful by the giant swings, invites visitors to explore and appropriate the park. 

This work was initially designed for the Annecy Paysages festival in 2017. Originally placed in the Gardens of Europe with a view overlooking Lake Annecy and the French Alps, Bal-ysage’s swings have found a site in Lausanne that echoes their former landscape.


Les Nouveaux Voisins (FR)
Nicolas Grun, architecte (FR)
Pierre Laurent, architecte (FR)

Partners & Implementation

Bonlieu scène nationale Annecy
Service des parcs et domaines
Festival Annecy Paysage, dans le cadre du programme d’échange Interreg France-Suisse «Naturopolis»