9 m3 is an accusation made by a tree, a rebellion against its condition as a tree in the city. Nine cubic metres is the minimum volume of soil considered as necessary nowadays for its development. It is also the size of the pot that hosts a young plane tree in front of the Chauderon administrative building.
On the other side of the underpass, on the east-side of the square, a wooden structure outlines the contour of a similar pot around a hundred-year-old plane tree. Scattered on the ground, shards symbolise a pot that has exploded under pressure from the roots, and transformed into urban furniture for passers-by to stop for a moment and admire the majestic old tree.
The scale ratio between the 9 m3 provided for a young tree and the development of a tree whose size and roots network — which spreads and appears here and there under the concrete — shows how much it has grown under a less restrictive regime and raises the issue of the condition of trees in an urban setting.
Visitors are called upon to suggest the ideal site to welcome the young plane tree in open ground after Lausanne Jardins. Suggestions may be addressed to parcs.domaines@lausanne.ch with the subject: LJ19-Platane.
Service des parcs et domaines sur une idée de :
Luciano Dell’Orefice, designer (CH)
Yves Bonard, urbaniste (CH)
Julien Rémy, architecte paysagiste (CH)
Jérôme Vial (menuisier)
Service des parcs et domaines
Platane, Platanus orientalis