First of all, a garden is all about the feelings it triggers and how we use it. For an unusual stroll, let yourself be lulled by optical illusions that create mounds, dells and a winding route, like a first gap in the platitude of the concrete, an imagined relief — the capricious relief that the bridge somehow thought it had tamed — and an echo to the soil buried far below: this soil which would be necessary for a garden to emerge on the bridge, and for the bridge to disappear under a garden... The illusion might evoke — why not? — a future hanging garden...
Atelier Villes & Paysages, Lyon :
Pauline Houlon, ingénieure en paysage (FR)
Olivier Hachain, architecte paysagiste (FR)
Le ciel par-dessus le toit, Lyon :
Estelle Bruaux, architecte, urbaniste, paysagiste (FR)
Artiste plasticien:
Jean-Claude Deschamps (CH)