A multitude of clay creatures crawl out of the earth, forming a small, timeless garden. A garden of ruins, fossils and life. Do they bear witness to a past civilisation? Are they the fruit of a magical ritual? A ritual which, through the repetition of a same pattern, brings to life the spirits of nature? These spirits spy on us, haphazardly hidden in streets, in cracks in the stone, under sleeping water.
This rockery, populated with naïve totem poles in dreamlike, mysterious and sacred scenery contrasts with the raw urbanity of the office buildings and traffic flow on Avenue de Rumine — a moment out of time, a world within a world, a microcosm.
Alexis Deconinck, artiste (BE)
Clara Vulliez, artiste (BE)
Alchemille des Alpes, Alchemilla alpina
Alchemille commune, Alchemilla mollis
Euphorbe des garrigues, Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii
Euphorbe rigide, Euphorbia rigida
Euphorbe petit-cyprès, Euphorbia cyparissias
Orpin jaune, Sedum acre
Orpin blanc, Sedum album
Sedum ellacombianum, Sedum ellacombianum
Sedum kamtschaticus, Sedum kamtschaticus
Orpin réfléchi, Sedum reflexum
Orpin de Bologne, Sedum sexangulare
Orpin bâtard, Sedum spurium