lausanne jardins 2019



Cour Galfetti

©LJ19/Stéphanie Gygax©LJ19/Stéphanie Gygax©LJ19/Stéphanie Gygax©LJ19/Stéphanie Gygax

A hanging garden around Cour Galfetti — an ode to the groundless-looking stone verticality. The garden hopes to reveal the identity of the courtyard, inviting passers-by to stop and lift their heads to contemplate the poetry of this Kokedamas cloud floating between heaven and earth. Kokedama is a Japanese oral art, elevated here to a luxuriant chandelier. Each plant has its own substratum in the form of a moss-clad ball of soil. Each ball is handmade and addresses our relationship with the ground, nature, our roots as individuals as well as our relationships with each other as citizens and actors of our environment and its future.

Kokedama workshops are scheduled during the festival. Detailed programme on our agenda.


Judith Dumez, graphiste, architecte d’intérieur (CH)
Martin Gauthier, architecte paysagiste, urbaniste (CH)
Elisha Joho Monnerat, architecte, iconographe (CH)
Lucie Schaeren, sociologue, artiste (CH)

Partners & Implementation

Jakob SA (constructions métalliques)
Vgtal-Deco (plantes)

List of Plants and Materials

Asperge de Sprenger, Asparagus sprengeri
Calathée, Calathea
Châtaignier de Guyane, Pachira
Chlorophyte, Chlorophytum
Dracéna, Dracaena
Dragonnier, Dracaena marginata
Figuier pleureur, Ficus benjamina
Ficus ginseng, Ficus microcarpa
Lierre, Hedera
Noline, Beaucarnea
Palmier Areca, Dypsis lutescens
Radermachera, Radermachera