It is in the amphitheatre of Promenade Jean-Villard Gilles, between the opera and the cinema, in the heart of Lausanne’s cultural district that La Grande Pimprenelle (“The Great Garden Burnet”) has naturally put on its costume of dark red petals. Some fifteen perennial plants — in total 1200 loquacious stalks — share the stage. Grasses utter, indigenous bulbs doll themselves up, but what loving relationships will be revealed? What romances will glorify these natural beauties? The three bells ring, ring, ring... Can you hear the whistling leaves, the murmur of delicate perfumes emanating from the soil? The Grande Pimprenelle’s breathtaking dance can now begin! Passers-by, come stroll around here, come and admire the comedy of flowers!
Four readings of the eponymous theatre play will be performed here (23.6/7.7/11.8/1.9). The text, written for the occasion, structures the layout of the garden to tell us a owery love story. More information on
Helen Wyss, architecte, historienne (CH)
Johanna Ballhaus, architecte paysagiste (DE/US)
En collaboration avec :
Viviane Aebi, rédaction
Katharina Reidy, graphisme
Serge Nidegger, sérigraphie
Manfred Zurkinden, construction métallique
Service des parcs et domaines
Wildstaudengärtnerei Patricia Willi
Ail à tête ronde, Allium sphaerocephalon
Ancolie noirâtre, Aquilegia atrata
Brize intermédiaire, Briza media
Canche cespiteuse, Deschampsia cespitosa
Centaurée scabieuse, Centaurea scabiosa
Cerfeuil des bois, Anthriscus sylvestris
Cerfeuil hirsute, Chaerophyllum hirsutum
Cirse tubéreux, Cirsium tuberosum
Digitale pourpre, Digitalis purpurea
Filipendule commune, Filipendula vulgaris
Grande astrance, Astrantia major
Grande pimprenelle, Sanguisorba of cinalis
Molinie bleue, Molinia caerulea
Oeillet des Chartreux, Dianthus carthusianorum
Pigamon à feuilles d’ancolie, Thalictrum aquilegifolium
Succise des prés, Succisa pratensis